This directory includes all providers in the Alliant Health Plans Network but may change from time to time. The directory is updated every business day and every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. Alliant verifies provider information prior to entry into the network, regularly reviews provider status and demographic information in addition to the recredentialing every three year interval. To obtain a current copy of Alliant’s Credentialing Criteria, please log onto, select Providers and then Provider Manual on the left side of the page. You may also contact Alliant Client Services at 866-403-2785. Our network is designed and developed to support reasonable access to providers for our members. Providers included in this directory are independent third parties and NOT employees, representatives or agents of Health One Alliance or Alliant Health Plans. We are aware that providers’ information and participation status change regularly and such information is updated in the directory following receipt. We also recommend that members contact the provider's office to verify its participation status and availability prior to receiving services. If you have additional questions regarding a provider's participation, please contact Alliant Health Plans Client Services at 800-811-4793. Please be aware that not all physicians and providers at contracted facilities (hospital, ambulatory surgical center, etc.) may be in-network. If you receive health care services at or through an in-network facility and the physicians or providers who provided that care are not in-network with your plan, the services will be paid in accordance with the state and federal laws.

Provider directory last updated on 2/15/2025 12:00:00 AM.

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